Daimler Truck Diagnostics Hardware


Diagnosoi asiakkaiden autojen mahdolliset viat välittömästi diagnoosiratkaisujemme avulla – ja reagoi kohdennettujen korjausten ja huoltojen avulla. Kuulostaa hyvältä, eikö? Niin mekin ajattelemme.




1. Daimler Truck Diagnostics Kit

The Daimler Truck Diagnostics Kit 1 consists of two hardware components that can be quickly and easily integrated into your IT landscape:

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Daimler Truck Diagnostics Kit 1 - Components:


  • Daimler Truck Diagnostics Kit 1 (diagnosis computer) features pre-installed diagnosis software and operating tools
  • Daimler Truck Diagnostics VCI (multiplexer) serves as interface/translator between vehicle and diagnosis computer
  • OBD cable (16pin) and USB cable (5 meter)
  • Power supply unit inclusive mains plug

Esimerkiksi perusdiagnostiikkatoiminnot


  • Pikatesti
  • Ohjaus
  • Näyttää todelliset arvot ja tavoitearvot
  • Ohjattu vianetsintä

Muita toimintoja, kuten


  • Control module commissioning
  • Reference to other applications, such as XENTRY Truck TIPS, XENTRY Truck WIS, Xentry Truck Operation Time

Sinun etusi yhdellä silmäyksellä:




  • 13,3 tuuman täysteräväpiirtoinen monikosketusnäyttö, 400 nitin valovoima.
  • Daimler Truck Diagnostics Pad 1 comes with four USB type A 3.0 ports and one USB type C port.
  • Etupuolessa on kaksi painiketta, jotka voit määritellä yksilöllisesti ConfigAssist-toiminnon avulla.
  • To provide a more stable WiFi connection to Daimler Truck Diagnostics VCI, a dedicated WiFi card is installed.
Much faster and more convenient


  • Daimler Truck Diagnostics Pad 1 comes with the latest Intel® CoreTM i5 processor (1.6 GHz, turbo up to 3.9 GHz).
  • Päämuistissa on 16 Gt DDR4-muistia.
  • 1 Tt SSD-kiintolevy (3000 Mt/s luku- ja kirjoitusnopeudella).
  • The battery lasts for up to 8 hours.
  • Daimler Truck Diagnostics Pad 1 is passively cooled and therefore it does not have a fan.

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2. Daimler Truck Accessories

Additional options are available with uniquely developed accessories for Daimler Truck Diagnostics VCI and Daimler Truck Diagnostics Pad 1.

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Accessories for Daimler Truck Diagnostics VCI (multiplexer)

The following accessories are available for Daimler Truck Diagnostics VCI:


  • OBD-johto (16-napainen)
  • USB-johto (5 m)
Accessories for the Daimler Truck Diagnostics Pad 1 (diagnosis computer)

The following accessories are available for the Daimler Truck Diagnostics Pad 1:


  • Verkkolaite, joka sisältää virtapistokkeen
  • Car charger
  • New Aluminium Pad pen
  • Further accessories are currently being evaluated and will be added continuously to the DTD shop

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Role and Rights Requirements


Tärkeitä tietoja:

To be able to use Daimler Truck Diagnostics software, you need to apply for additional diagnosis user rights. Käyttöoikeudet on jaettu kahteen eri tyyppiin:


  • Daimler Truck Diagnostics Standard Diagnostics Role (for diagnosis users without flash authorization, in example for reading fault memories)
  • Daimler Truck Diagnostics Flash Role (corresponds to the former XENTRY Flash user)

Valitse yksi seuraavista vaihtoehdoista:


Daimler Truck Diagnostics Standard Diagnostics Role:

Diagnoosin jokaisen käyttäjän on erikseen pyydettävä vakiodiagnoosioikeuksia UMAS:n kautta ja käytävä läpi kertaluonteinen tunnistusprosessi. It may also be necessary for the market-specific ISP support to create the user in ALICE if they do not yet have a user ID.


Daimler Truck Diagnostics Flash Role

  • Käyttäjällä on jo Flash-oikeudet: Jokaisen Flash-käyttäjän on erikseen käytävä läpi kertaluonteinen tunnistusprosessi kohdassa   UMAS

  • Käyttäjällä ei ole Flash-oikeuksia: Käyttäjän on pyydettävä Flash -oikeuksia markkinakohtaisen kanavan kautta ja käytävä läpi kertaluonteinen tunnistusprosessi kohdassa   UMAS


Tilaa täältä:


Saksan markkinoilla käyttäjät voivat tilata diagnoosilaitteita suoraan Daimler Truck Diagnostics Shopista.


User must request access to Daimler Truck Diagnostics Shop separately using the following link:



Kun kirjautumispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit kirjautua sisään UMAS-kirjautumistiedoillasi.

Euroopan talousalue / Iso-Britannia:

Users from all other European countries, including the UK, are encouraged to reach out to their local TOC or GD representative directly. Alternatively, you may use our support services to be connected with the appropriate contact person.



Important Information on SERMI Legislation and Process

Please note: An additional role requirement in relation to SERMI becomes effective for 3rd Parties (ISP) within the RMI Regulation as of 1st October 2023. The country-specific start dates will vary as not all Member States have an accredited Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) available in time.


SERMI has been created as part of the requirements of the Delegated Regulation (EU) N° 2021/1244, Regulation (EU) N° 2018/858 and Regulation (EC) N° 692/2008, which grant standardised access to technical information whilst establishing specific provisions for access to vehicle security features


Most important facts:
  • Unrestricted access to Daimler Trucks security related information (SERMI) will no longer be possible.

  • The additional SERMI authentication will be required for theft relevant diagnostic processes e.g., replacement and reprogramming of theft-relevant control units or electronic vehicle keys.

  • Specific access procedures need to be executed by independent operators (ISP) and their employees to receive access to security related Diagnostic Truck Software

  • For every SERMI country, at least one Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) is responsible for the authorization. Independent operators and their employees need to contact their respective CAB. Information on the countries’ varying CAB readiness as well as further procedure information can be found on www.vehiclesermi.eu

  • The acquired SERMI certificate form the local CAB then needs to be uploaded to the SERMI Trustcenter (one Trustcenter responsible for all SERMI markets)

  • After successful completion of the above-mentioned access procedures, ISPs can authenticate for the new Daimler Trucks SERMI role via UMAS

To execute theft relevant diagnostic processes, users must still meet all the following known prerequisites:
  • Voimassa oleva Daimler Truck Diagnostic Standard Diagnostic Role (pyydettävissä UMAS kautta)

  • Valid Daimler Truck Diagnostics Flash Role (requestable via market form)

  • Confirmation of successful participation in Daimler Truck Flash- and FBS-eTraining for ISPs (requestable via: Truck Training Platform )

For information & help, please refer to our SERMI Quick Guide for Independent Operators: