
Here you find news about our products and services.



29.05.2024 - EPT: The new tool for parameterization for trucks
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The Expert Parameterization Tool (EPT) is a new, web-based application that will be used to carry out manual truck parameterization in workshops in the future. The tool can only be used for trucks. Buses are not supported.

In order to comply with the new "SUMS" regulations, the parameterization process has been further developed. Thanks to EPT, the parameterization can be prepared before the workshop visit and the vehicle’s time spent in the workshop can be minimized.


In order to trigger the parameterization and bring it to the vehicle, Daimler Truck Diagnostics is still required as a physical connection.

To use EPT, the diagnostic flash role "DTDIAG.TRUCK.WORKSHOP.INITIALSTARTUPDIAGNOSTICS.ISP" is sufficient and is already a prerequisite for all other functionalities of parameterization and flashing.

How to use EPT:

The switch to EPT will start with the new ODX ECUs and will then be successively made available for the old ECUs as well. For more information please refer to the  EPT Quick Guide (PDF).

In the transition phase, mixed parameterizations (DTD & EPT) may exist on a vehicle – especially in the case of body builders.

The familiar parameterization via DTD is no longer possible after the respective control unit has been converted.

You can reach the EPT site in the following ways:

  • Via the direct link:  Daimler EPT
  • Via the link in DTD in the info screen below "Adjustments"
Support & Questions

If you have any issues or questions, please create an XSF ticket to contact technical support:

22.03.2024 - SERMI Go-Live 01.04.2024
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We are happy to inform you that the SERMI implementation date for April 2024 is final for the following countries:

  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Portugal
  • Spain

Furthermore, the European Commission and ACEA have chosen to postpone the June implementation to a later date. The new date will be determined after the evaluation of the April release.

13.03.2024 - XENTRY Truck TIPS – Important Migration Information
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XENTRY TIPS becomes XENTRY Truck TIPS. The application is now being taken over by Daimler Truck AG. XENTRY Truck TIPS is a 1:1 copy of the current XENTRY TIPS system, all truck-relevant functions remain available and no additional training is required.

The global rollout will take place on 25th of March 2024. All XENTRY Truck TIPS user rights, licences and settings are transferred automatically, there is no action required.

05.03.2024 - Daimler Truck Diagnostics Flash and FBS rights
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As of March 2024, there will be an updated scheme for ISPs to request Daimler Truck Diagnostics Flash and FBS4 base rights rights separately. These changes will apply for new ISP requests. Existing ISP flash and FBS rights will remain active and are migrated automatically.

Until now, the DT DIAG Flash User ISP role enabled initial startup routines especially with key calculation for powertrain control units, Software reprogramming, parameterization, and base rights FBS4 with component replacement and blocking key chains.

The base rights FBS4 (with component replacement and blocking key chains) for ISPs will no longer be included into the DT DIAG Flash User ISP role. ISPs can now request base rights FBS4 as well as FBS4 extended rights (for key programming and key track enabling) via the user application form ‘FBS4 Online Services Daimler Truck AG’.

Please note, that it is mandatory to provide the training certificate T1938F or T2226W (handling of the Daimler Truck Diagnostics processes and the proper awareness of TRP (theft-relevant parts) including vehicle keys) to successfully receive the FBS4 extended rights.

25.01.2024 - Important notes on the new VCI firmware for Daimler Truck Diagnostics
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For Daimler Truck Diagnostics, a new firmware (version 1940) for the VCI will be available with immediate effect.

The firmware update will be rolled out in three waves. The first wave will be available to the Daimler Truck Diagnostics Kit 1, the second to the VCIs of the Platform Independent Systems and last, from February 5th the migrated XENTRY Diagnosis Kit 3 and 4.

The update is necessary to continue working with the VCI.

Please note:

This firmware update sets a "marker" in the VCI, which configures the VCI as a Daimler Truck VCI. Therefore, if you install the Daimer Truck Diagnostics VCI firmware on a XENTRY VCI:

IMPORTANT: No further car and VAN diagnostics can be carried out afterwards

A recovery to XENTRY VCI firmware is not technically possible! Once the update has been installed, the VCI can no longer be reverted to the XENTRY Diagnosis firmware.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure that only those VCIs that are to be used for Daimler Truck Diagnostics in the future receive the firmware update.


18.12.2023 - Migration of XENTRY diagnosis software to Daimler Truck Diagnostics software
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The migration phase to Daimler Truck Diagnostics software will take place between 18.12.2023 and 10.01.2024. The migration is critical to enable diagnosis kits & XENTRY Pass Thru with existing Truck and / or Bus StartKey for Daimler Truck Diagnostics. For successful migration, the following actions are crucial:


XENTRY Pass Thru will not be migrated automatically, a manual deinstallation of the software package and installation of the new Daimler Truck Diagnostics Pass Thru setup will be required:



In case of problems during the migration, please contact us via the Service-Information Mercedes-Benz Trucks Portal:   Contact

Please carefully read the corresponding migration guide and follow the step-by-step instructions:



Diagnosis Hardware:

Please make sure, that all devices are online at least once a day during the whole migration phase (18.12. – 10.01.). For further information, please refer to the corresponding migration guides and follow the step-by-step instructions:





20.10.2023 - NEW: Daimler Truck Diagnostics Shop Go_Live
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The all-new Daimler Truck Diagnostics Shop for ordering diagnostics hardware (German market only) was recently launched.

The Daimler Truck Diagnostics Shop has officially gone live for ordering diagnostic hardware in Germany through our sales partner, Arvato SE. Please refer to the Diagnosis Hardware page for further information.

15.09.2023 - Mercedes-Benz Trucks SERMI procedure
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To execute theft relevant diagnostic processes, users must authenticate for the new Daimler Truck SERMI Role via UMAS as of 1st October 2023 and must still meet all the following known prerequisites:

  • Valid Mercedes-Benz Trucks Standard Diagnosis Role (requestable via UMAS)

  • Valid Mercedes-Benz Trucks Flash Role (requestable via market form)

  • Confirmation of successful participation in Mercedes-Benz Trucks Flash- and FBS-eTraining for ISPs (requestable via: Truck Training Platform)

17.08.2023 - Launch Australia and New Zealand
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Additional Markets Rollout: Please be informed that as of August 18th, 2023, the following new market pages are available: Australia & New Zealand

07.07.2023 - Mercedes-Benz Trucks SERMI procedure - status info
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The due date for SERMI implementation has been postponed by the European Automotive Manufacturers Association ACEA and the Independent Operators Associations to Oct. 1st, 2023, and will affect only one market (Sweden).

Other markets will follow subsequently with gradual implementation. More details have not been communicated yet. Stay tuned for more updates or check directly on:

17.05.2023 - Mercedes-Benz Trucks SERMI procedure
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Important information about the upcoming additional role in relation to SERMI, becoming effective for 3rd Parties (ISP) within the RMI Regulation as of end of July 2023, mostly known under “SERMI”.

Regulation (EU) N° 2021/1244, Regulation (EU) N° 2018/858 and Regulation (EC) N° 692/2008, which grant standardised access to technical information whilst establishing specific provisions for access to vehicle security features


Most important facts:
  • The SERMI scheme will become operational on July 31st, 2023. Consequently, unrestricted access to security related information within Diagnostic Truck Software (only theft relevant diagnostic processes, e. g. immobiliser diagnostic will no longer be possible).

  • Specific access procedures need to be executed by independent operators (ISP) and their employees to receive access to security related Diagnostic Truck Software.

  • Go-live might vary on market level. For your market-specific go-live dates and further information thereto, please consult the most recent information on the official SERMI website:

  • For German market only: additional information is available under

  • After successful SERMI registration with the respective Conformity Assessment Body (CAB), ISPs can authenticate via UMAS for the standardised access to Mercedes-Benz Trucks security related repair and maintenance information.

Users must meet all the following prerequisites:
  • Valid Mercedes-Benz Trucks Standard Diagnosis Role (requestable via UMAS)

  • Valid Mercedes-Benz Trucks Flash Role (requestable via market form)

  • Confirmation of successful participation in Mercedes-Benz Trucks Flash- and FBS-training for ISPs (requestable via Truck Training Platform)

24.04.2023 - Important: XENTRY Diagnosis Hardware with mixed Startkeys - action required until May 31st, 2023!
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Important Information for the usage of Mercedes-Benz XENTRY Diagnosis Hardware with Mixed Startkeys (Daimler Truck and Mercedes-Benz data packages).

Startkeys expiring within 2023 will be automatically extended until the planned due date December 31st, 2023. There is no further action required. For technical reasons mixed Startkeys are no longer available as of January 2024. Either a Daimler Truck or a Mercedes-Benz Start Key needs to be chosen:


Customers selecting a Daimler Truck Start Key:
  • Please inform Mercedes-Benz AG until the latest May 2023 (via XSF or email by naming your system number and stating that you wish not to use a Mercedes-Benz Startkey.

  • The Daimler Truck Startkey will need to be ordered at Daimler Truck AG directly. You will receive an update regarding the ordering process.

  • You will keep your current rental device until the end of the recommended period of use of 42 months, but at most until the end of 2025. Rental devices will be returned to the current hardware contract partner, Mercedes-Benz AG until the end of 2025. As of January 2024, the new Daimler Truck software will be installed remotely on your devices.

Customers selecting a Mercedes-Benz Start Key:
  • In this case no further action is required.
  • The Daimler Truck Startkey will be deleted on your device accordingly.

*Further detailed information on new Daimler Truck diagnosis devices with a runtime starting January 2024 will be communicated in due time

14.03.2023 - Sundown XENTRY Parts App & XENTRY TIPS App
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Please note, that the following products will no longer be available starting 2024:

  • XENTRY Parts Mobile App
  • XENTRY Tips Mobile App

The purchase and use of these two mobile apps will no longer be possible as of 1st of January 2024. Therefore, we are already adapting the purchase options within the Service Information Mercedes-Benz Trucks portal.


30.06.2022 - Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
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Varkauden kannalta merkityksellisten ohjausyksiköiden (Driving Authorization System 4 / FBS 4) käyttöönottoa, ohjelmointia ja koodausta varten tarvitaan toisen tekijän todennus henkilökohtaisen käyttäjätunnuksen ja salasanan lisäksi, kuten:

  • Älypuhelinsovellus tai
  • USB-suojausavain

Tarkista, voitko käyttää älypuhelinta todentamiseen päivittäisessä liiketoiminnassasi ja asenna siinä tapauksessa todennussovellus.  

Jos älypuheimen käyttö ei ole sallittua yrityksessäsi, hanki USB turva-avainelektroniikkaliikkeestä tai suoraan USB-turva-avainten valmistajalta (tärkeää: avaimen on tuettava FIDO2-standardia).  

Ota huomioon, että toimitus voi kestää useita viikkoja palveluntarjoajasta riippuen.  

Tukeaksemme sinua monimenetelmäisen todennuksen määrittämisessä tarjoamme normaalin Ohjekortti latauksen.

Jos tarvitset lisäapua sovelluksen teknisiin ongelmiin, tee XSF-lippu tai jos sinulla ei ole XSF-käyttöoikeutta, lähetä sähköpostia osoitteeseen: